Monday, March 23, 2009

I have been anxious for Spring to arrive so that I can start planning my little veggie garden! This year I will plant in large pots. I have plans for next year for "raised beds". I am hoping to find someone to construct these for me at minimal expense. I think the raised beds will be perfect! This year however, I am taking a trip to the nursery for some tomatoes and fresh herbs. I am going to purchase a wine barrell for the tomatoes and some casters so I can move the tomatoes if needed.
Last summer when we moved here I quickly found the local ladies who'd put their signs by the road indicating they had FrEsH HoMe GrOwN ToMaToES for SaLe...This year I will have ample supply of my own.
I am also considering planting a small citrus tree...I have found it most difficult to find any decent oranges at the market. However, young man and I are fond of those mandarins which seem to have the best flavor.
Happy Gardening to you!
Smiles, Jacqueline

Friday, March 20, 2009


ToDay is tHe FiRst DaY oF SpRinG! I can't help but smile, the weather has been so lovely! I have been enjoying my time outdoors...Working in the GaRdEn, My daily WaLkS, creating that CoZy outdoor living space, and the beautiful blooms that surround me!
This beautiful photo of a CrAb ApPLe Tree...I have eight of these lovlies just out front of our Cottage.
We have also come to acquire some pretty little equine friends that have come to stay in the pasture that surrounds us. It is a treat to have these little ladies come to the fence for a little lovin'. I ecspecially enjoy when they are feeling frisky...they run about throwing their heads and bucking about. It is a sight to see!
Spring in the Country is truely a treat to behold!
Enjoy the outdoors & have a beautiful weekend!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Farm Fresh Eggs

One of the many perks of living the CoUntRy LiFe are those beautiful brown FaRm fReSh EgGs!
My friend Karen has an abundance of cute little chickens...(there was a time I used to think chickens were creepy!) Anyhow, Karen knows that I adore fresh brown eggs and has been so kind to keep replenishing my supply! Did you know that ChicKens who graze off the land produce eggs that are better for you? Plus, they look cute just roaming around! I have been researching chickens and am considering a few of my own. My son and I have come up with some cute names.....I like Daisy, & Rose, Young man likes Basil & Sage...What do you think?