I'm a blessed mother with an amazing Son. I enjoy the simple things in life and don't wish for much but good Health and Happiness. I look forward to relaxing weekends spending time at home & in my garden. I love my "growing" rose garden, and have a passion for interior decorating.
HaPpy HaLloWeeN... Weather you're accompanying little ones TriCk or TrEatInG, or snuggling up on the sofa in a candle lit room watching CrEepY movies, I hope the magic of HaLlOwEeN fills you with joy! Smiles, Jacqueline
Monday, October 6, 2008
And a good time was had by all!.....My friend Joanee (The Vintage Post) and I visited the Lodi Street Faire this past Sunday. Kindred spirits we are, so much alike in the things we love that we often laugh when describing how we "embellished" a wreath...only to learn that we both had the same wreath, ribbon, and similar adornments! We always enjoy each others company and this trip to Lodi was no exception. Our first stop was School Street, blocks long with wonderful Antique, Vintage, & Hand Crafted delights using objects of old. My favorite find was the marrying of a rusty bucket with a curvy plant stand. I set it atop the kitchen island to give a feeling of dividing the kitchen from the rest of our small cottage. My love bug helped me find the perfect Oak branches outside to fill the bucket...It is now perfect! On our endeavor we had found a vendor selling spools of twine...they were quite nice but rather pricey. Later we found some old wooden sewing spools and Joanee suggested we use those for our twine. I love this idea...a great use for those wonderful old spools! After hours of walking we picked up our Caramel Apples, sat for lunch, packed up the car, and talked about our day as we headed for home...
"If the sight of blue skiesfills you with joy,if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has the power to move you,if the simple things ofNaturehave a message you understand, Rejoice, for your soul is alive!" ~Elonora Duse