One of the many perks of living the CoUntRy LiFe are those beautiful brown FaRm fReSh EgGs!
My friend Karen has an abundance of cute little chickens...(there was a time I used to think chickens were creepy!) Anyhow, Karen knows that I adore fresh brown eggs and has been so kind to keep replenishing my supply! Did you know that ChicKens who graze off the land produce eggs that are better for you? Plus, they look cute just roaming around! I have been researching chickens and am considering a few of my own. My son and I have come up with some cute names.....I like Daisy, & Rose, Young man likes Basil & Sage...What do you think?
1 comment:
Chickens also eat the weed seeds! Now that's my kind of gardening!
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