I have been anxious for Spring to arrive so that I can start planning my little veggie garden! This year I will plant in large pots. I have plans for next year for "raised beds". I am hoping to find someone to construct these for me at minimal expense. I think the raised beds will be perfect! This year however, I am taking a trip to the nursery for some tomatoes and fresh herbs. I am going to purchase a wine barrell for the tomatoes and some casters so I can move the tomatoes if needed.
Last summer when we moved here I quickly found the local ladies who'd put their signs by the road indicating they had FrEsH HoMe GrOwN ToMaToES for SaLe...This year I will have ample supply of my own.
I am also considering planting a small citrus tree...I have found it most difficult to find any decent oranges at the market. However, young man and I are fond of those mandarins which seem to have the best flavor.
Happy Gardening to you!
Smiles, Jacqueline
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