I had decided when I moved here last summer that I wanted to get involved in my small town community. I feel it's a great way to have a sense of belonging to my new hometown and an opportunity to meet the "townsfolk".
I found a community website announcing they were looking for volunteers for "BiNgO NiGHt aT tHe GrANgE" so I called the number and spoke with Virginia...such a kind lady! She was thrilled that I had called and we spoke about BiNGo and threw around some different ideas for advertising.
I can just picture the townsfolk coming down to the GrANgE on Sunday nights on a warm Summer evening...Socializing, Eating Apple Pie, Sippin' Lemonade, and having a good ol fashioned Country good time!
Ahh...simple country life...such a blessing!
That sounds so fun! Small town living at its best, and a great way to meet everyone, too. :)
so glad I found you.
I took you up on your invite to meet you over at your blog today. {I'll be drinking iced~tea though!}
Well, I'm off to go poke around the Country Nest!
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