I have been on a RoLlEr cOaSTer RiDe of EmOtiOnS the past week...My one and only Young Man is preparing to GrAdUaTe JuNiOr HiGh. I know it's cliche to say..."It was only yesterday he was just a baby" But I really feel that way! Simply put, my life would not be what it is without him and I have this sense of panic that he will need me less and less. (snifflle sniffle) Then I remind myself that this is how it's supposed to be...this is what we prepare them for...independence, responsibility, a life of their own with their own friends and interests.
So I suppose I am a little bit selfish in wanting to hold on just a bit longer but I know this can not be, so I shall continue to raise him and love him and know that I have instilled in him good morals and values and know that we will always have a strong bond.
I remind myself that I have to give all my cares to the Lord and know that he is the one in control and not me. I do hope that I am not the only Mother who struggles with these issues! Good Grief!
In 1995 while I anticipated his arrival no one could have prepared me for the hold this young man would have on my heart...He is an amazing child and he has no idea how he's changed my life. I AM TRUELY BLESSED!
I NEVER let a day go by without telling him how much I love Him and he always takes the time to give me a big hug! :)
Thanks for listening...& maybe relating!
(i will be picking up my new camera next week before graduation & will post on this big event)
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