Saturday, December 12, 2009

It'S bEgiNnInG tO loOk aLot LikE cHriStMas...
One can't help but to be enticed by the spirit of the season! The beauty of a small CoUntRy ToWn is the feeling it evokes this special time of year.
Our little country church has the most beautiful, simple nativity I've night it's best when lit up.
cOw CreeK is a sight to see in its beautiful wintry colors & iced over along the banks. I think nature is truely Gods handy work!
The crisp cool air, the christmas lights lit on a dark country road, and the holiday decor one would expect to find in the country...makes you appreciate the simple things that are oh so beautiful.
I think a local field trip with camera in tow is in order...I would love to share these beautiful images with you.
And we mustn't forget the scents of the season! I have stocked up on pantry basics such as flour & sugar, as well as, chocolate, nuts, oats, pumpkin, peppermint, and all those holiday favorites! I love spending time in my kitchen, and my boy loves the way our home smells when I'm baking.
The best part for me is wrapping those goodies up and surprising a neighbor I don't know with this simple gesture. For me...little things are at times big things. One doesn't always know what a simple act of kindness can do for someone.
I hope that you too have the spirit of Christmas...and are reminded why we really celebrate...the birth of a beautiful baby boy...Jesus!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ThaNksGiVinG BleSsiNgS

This time of year I find myself reflecting on the most important aspects of my life. My Young Man spends Thanksgiving with his father and it's one of the most difficult things for me...

I am so Thankful God chose me to be his mother! I'm thankful for our relationship & our time spent together. I have so much to be thankful for! We all do! Thank Jesus everyday for your blessings...let him hear your thankful heart!

May God Bless You & your family as you gather together this Thanksgiving!


Friday, May 29, 2009

I had decided when I moved here last summer that I wanted to get involved in my small town community. I feel it's a great way to have a sense of belonging to my new hometown and an opportunity to meet the "townsfolk".

I found a community website announcing they were looking for volunteers for "BiNgO NiGHt aT tHe GrANgE" so I called the number and spoke with Virginia...such a kind lady! She was thrilled that I had called and we spoke about BiNGo and threw around some different ideas for advertising.

I can just picture the townsfolk coming down to the GrANgE on Sunday nights on a warm Summer evening...Socializing, Eating Apple Pie, Sippin' Lemonade, and having a good ol fashioned Country good time!

Ahh...simple country life...such a blessing!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have been on a RoLlEr cOaSTer RiDe of EmOtiOnS the past week...My one and only Young Man is preparing to GrAdUaTe JuNiOr HiGh. I know it's cliche to say..."It was only yesterday he was just a baby" But I really feel that way! Simply put, my life would not be what it is without him and I have this sense of panic that he will need me less and less. (snifflle sniffle) Then I remind myself that this is how it's supposed to be...this is what we prepare them for...independence, responsibility, a life of their own with their own friends and interests.

So I suppose I am a little bit selfish in wanting to hold on just a bit longer but I know this can not be, so I shall continue to raise him and love him and know that I have instilled in him good morals and values and know that we will always have a strong bond.

I remind myself that I have to give all my cares to the Lord and know that he is the one in control and not me. I do hope that I am not the only Mother who struggles with these issues! Good Grief!

In 1995 while I anticipated his arrival no one could have prepared me for the hold this young man would have on my heart...He is an amazing child and he has no idea how he's changed my life. I AM TRUELY BLESSED!

I NEVER let a day go by without telling him how much I love Him and he always takes the time to give me a big hug! :)

Thanks for listening...& maybe relating!

(i will be picking up my new camera next week before graduation & will post on this big event)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mothers Day to my dear friends and fellow bloggers! Blessings to you on this special day set aside just for Moms...May your children celebrate and appreciate just how wonderful you are!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

"How cunningly NATURE hides every wrinkle of her unconceivable antiquity
 under roses and violets and morning dew"
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have been anxious for Spring to arrive so that I can start planning my little veggie garden! This year I will plant in large pots. I have plans for next year for "raised beds". I am hoping to find someone to construct these for me at minimal expense. I think the raised beds will be perfect! This year however, I am taking a trip to the nursery for some tomatoes and fresh herbs. I am going to purchase a wine barrell for the tomatoes and some casters so I can move the tomatoes if needed.
Last summer when we moved here I quickly found the local ladies who'd put their signs by the road indicating they had FrEsH HoMe GrOwN ToMaToES for SaLe...This year I will have ample supply of my own.
I am also considering planting a small citrus tree...I have found it most difficult to find any decent oranges at the market. However, young man and I are fond of those mandarins which seem to have the best flavor.
Happy Gardening to you!
Smiles, Jacqueline

Friday, March 20, 2009


ToDay is tHe FiRst DaY oF SpRinG! I can't help but smile, the weather has been so lovely! I have been enjoying my time outdoors...Working in the GaRdEn, My daily WaLkS, creating that CoZy outdoor living space, and the beautiful blooms that surround me!
This beautiful photo of a CrAb ApPLe Tree...I have eight of these lovlies just out front of our Cottage.
We have also come to acquire some pretty little equine friends that have come to stay in the pasture that surrounds us. It is a treat to have these little ladies come to the fence for a little lovin'. I ecspecially enjoy when they are feeling frisky...they run about throwing their heads and bucking about. It is a sight to see!
Spring in the Country is truely a treat to behold!
Enjoy the outdoors & have a beautiful weekend!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Farm Fresh Eggs

One of the many perks of living the CoUntRy LiFe are those beautiful brown FaRm fReSh EgGs!
My friend Karen has an abundance of cute little chickens...(there was a time I used to think chickens were creepy!) Anyhow, Karen knows that I adore fresh brown eggs and has been so kind to keep replenishing my supply! Did you know that ChicKens who graze off the land produce eggs that are better for you? Plus, they look cute just roaming around! I have been researching chickens and am considering a few of my own. My son and I have come up with some cute names.....I like Daisy, & Rose, Young man likes Basil & Sage...What do you think?